Sometimes you might be in the middle of a move, or planning one, and you might be wondering whether to go look for cardboard boxes, call your local moving company for packing supplies and services, or simply make use of crate rental.
Cardboard Boxes Versus Crates

Sometimes you might be in the middle of a move, or planning one, and you might be wondering whether to go look for cardboard boxes, call your local moving company for packing supplies and services, or simply make use of crate rental.

Sometimes you might be in the middle of amove, or planning one, and you might be wondering whether to go look for cardboardboxes, call your local moving company for packing supplies and services, orsimply make use of crate rental. They all have their advantages, and as witheverything that comes with pros and cons, they can be subject to comparison.The most recently introduced service, however – the crate hire – is one definitelya force to be reckoned with. It brings the best out of moving tools andprovides quite a lot of advantages and benefits to everybody who chooses them. Butthen again, there’s no denying the good use of the cardboard box – it’s aclassic supply for a reason. Let’s have a small comparison game with the goodold cardboard boxes to see the differences.

Cardboard boxes are fragile. They do nothold up that well in bad weather and they will definitely let water immediatelyseep into them, ruining everything inside. They are easily torn and will godown if they are used too often.
Crates are not that fragile. They withstandharsh weather conditions just fine and while not 100% waterproof, they willstill hold more than boxes. They are hard to wear out and a single crate can beused for months before it needs changing.

Cardboard boxes are lighter, that is afact. Anything made of paper will be lighter than anything made of plastic.
Crates are heavier, true. Plastic willalways be heavier than paper.
Cardboard boxes have a simple, blanddesign, with no patterns and no distinguishing features. They are just formoving and storing, but you can add your own doodles.
Crates may be of all kinds. There areaesthetically pleasing crates, and there are bland and simple crates as well.It’s a variety of choices for the user.
You can find cardboard boxes anywhere. Theyare available at literally every supermarket.
Crates are a bit harder to find, especiallythe specialised ones. Crate rental is one of theways to get them.

Cardboard boxes offer containers, notsafety. The safety of your items depends on the packing and the stuffing withinthe box. Sealing boxes also requires additional sealing tape, which makes theboxes’ use limited.
Crates offer much more safety than boxes.They are harder in texture and a fallen crate does not necessarily equate to abroken item, even if there is not stuffing or padding. Crate lids and sealsalso make sure that it does not open randomly.

Cardboard boxes take time to pack andready. You need to organise everything inside, then you need to add properstuffing, or use bubble wrap in a smart manner, and then you have to usesealing tape.
Crates do not take long to pack. You openthe crate (if it has a lid), you place whatever you want to place inside, youclose the lid – it is as simple as that.

Naturally, cardboard boxes will be cheaper,even if you hire the packing services of a moving company.And at the end of the day, they stay with you.
Crates costs vary – the simpler ones maynot be costlier than a cardboard box. The thing is, you hire crates and you buyboxes. That’s why their prices can easily battle the boxes’ prices.
You have all the facts, you have all theknowledge. It is up to you whether to get boxes or start hiring and packingcrates. There is no general right choice – you have to make the choice that isright for you.


Why Should You Rent Crates?
Why Should You Rent Crates?
Crate hire is a relatively new service which is meant to make moving house that much easier. And even if you are not moving, crates will always have t